Barista Funnies


For a change of pace in between more formal blog posts, I thought it would be entertaining to pull back the curtain and reveal some of the absurdly amusing aspects of life at Bean Shot in Sherborne. As you might expect, our days are brimming with fascinating dialogue, encounters with an eclectic mix of personalities, and countless incidents that trigger fits of laughter among us and customers, all while we're meticulously crafting cups of coffee for the good people of Sherborne. Now, allow me to delve into the memory box, pulling out a selection of scenarios and situations that have unfolded during our six-and-a-half-year journey (with yours truly often in the spotlight!).

There was the time I was asked to present a fruit cake to some unsuspecting guests which has been an ongoing in-family joke for years (apparently this cake has been passed between families whenever they meet, but they always try to avoid it happening to them. They then have to keep the cake until they all next meet and the game starts again, trying to offload the cake to another family. They even have rules! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ).

There was the time I got asked for a flat white, made it, poured a beautiful swan in latte art, then, picked it up and took the first sip myself, right in front of the customer who ordered it! I hadn't yet had my coffee and it was early, I could have sworn the drink was for me, but the look on the customers face was priceless!

As you already know, we’re a fun and chatty bunch in Sherborne, so in amongst my buoyant conversation with a pair who had walked in, commented to the lady ‘It must be great to find the time to go out on a day trip with your Dad'?’ only to be told it was the ladies husband…. please floor, swallow me whole! They found it funny but my embarrassment still haunts me to this day.

Another ridiculous moment was when I, for some reason, offered customers cream and marshmallows on the hot chocolates that they ordered (this throws back to before I was working at Bean Shot when I was in a Chain store, upselling of cream and marshmallows was a really big drive for them, my brain must have thought I was still there). After the customer said yes to both I then had to backtrack and explain to them we actually don’t offer marshmallows or cream and that I wasn't sure why I offered them.

On numerous occasions I’ve added the words ‘love you x’ to the end of my messages to suppliers, so much so that I now think they expect it and actually feel offended when I don’t.

Last week I was speaking with a customer about my previous jobs, of which I called it ‘my past work life’. Off she then went on a conversation about who she was in her past life, but an actual past life… cue me awkwardly standing and smiling.

I spoke with a customer about films I want to see and rather than, like a normal person, saying the actors name ‘Matt Damon’ in my usual talking voice, decided to use the ‘Team America’ way of saying his name. Then was amazingly pleased/surprised with having the same ‘Matt Damon’ response back to me (if you don't get this or haven’t seen Team America then never mind, but I suggest you do look it up!). We both didn’t stop laughing for ages and I think it took a few attempts to actually make a worthy coffee.

On a different note, we also have a customer who occasionally comes in with her cat who is quite happy and comfortable on a lead (the cat, not the customer!) and who lays on the customers coat for the duration.

If you needed a reason to keep coming in then im sure the above gives you just a few. I could keep going on but for fear of boring you and to keep some content for the future I wont. Just know that in Sherborne and throughout Bean Shot we’re here not just for coffee, but to make you smile, to make you feel welcome, to make you feel seen and to make sure that you leave feeling just a little bit happier than when you first walked in (A quote initially by James Hoffman there, but it really resonates).